Curly Conversations Episode 9: A Chat with Aisha Crump of Honey Baby Naturals

Hey Curlies,

As you all know, March is Women's History Month, and on this site, we hold women on a pedestal. For this particular month, I wanted to introduce a series of women to you all who are simply magical.

Tonight's episode of Curly Conversations will feature Aisha Crump, founder and CEO of Honey Baby Naturals (you know, that one hair care brand I keep talking about because they're amazing!?)

Honey Baby Naturals is a relatively new hair and skin care brand, but it has gained popularity extremely fast. The brand is now featured in over 100 Target stores and was recently featured in CurlBox.

Curly Conversations episode 9 ft. Aisha Crump of Honey Baby Naturals - ClassyCurlies

Tonight Aisha and I are going to chat about the brand, her involvement with STEM programs for girls and just some plain ole' girl talk.

You can tune into this week's live episode tonight at 7 p.m. below, or if you can't make that time, that's OK.

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Let me tell you, technology has not been on my all.

If you're wondering what happened to last week's episode of Curly Conversations, I talk all about it in episode 9 above (which is really episode 10).

Don't forget to subscribe and share this show with a friend.