Natural Hair: Twist out Day 3 & 4

Hey Curlies,

twist out day three

I'm still rolling with this twist out and it's been about four days since I untwisted. What's my secret to a long lasting twist out? You can read about that here and here (it's a throwback but same rules apply) but I have a few photos to share.

Recap: My hair from day one:

natural hair twistout
Very defined

My hair from day three:

twist out day three
Fluffy hair

day three twist out

See the difference? I love this twist out style more and more everyday because it gets bigger and bigger!

My hair day four as I went to a gala for the night:

day four twist out

Last night I applied some Skinny & Co. coconut oil directly to my scalp and hair and will probably wear a bun until wash day.

S/N: Curls & Canvas is almost a week away. Buy your tickets here.