Health: My Experience with African Black Soap & Giveaway

Hey Curlies,

If you've been keeping up, I told you all how I've been on this crazy natural bar soap kick. I've been using African Black Soap(ABS) on my face for almost a year and now I've been using natural bar soaps for my body. In a past post, I pointed out the benefits of ABS, but now I want to share my experience.

My Experience

Like I said, I've been using this soap for about a year now. The brand that I use is by Nubian Heritage and it only cost me about $3. I use this soap only on my face, but I'm pretty sure that it can be used all over your body. Since using the soap daily, my complexion has evened out as well as a lot of the acne marks that I had have disappeared. I will say that if you do not follow up with a moisturizer that your skin will become a little dry, so I use the WalMart brand, Equate, dual action moisturizer as a follow up and I'm good to go!


The brand that I use is Nubian Heritage, but the brand that I will be giving away is by Shea Moisture. The same company owns both of these businesses so that ingredients are very similar. Fortunately for you all, the Shea Moisture brand is a lot bigger! Here are the details:
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