Hey Curlies,
I have many other post floating around the site that deals with detangling. I have a post on what tools are best as well as methods.
I just wanted to share with you really quick a product that I've been using for a while now that simply melts away my knots and tangles.
I use Shea Moisture Purification Masque. I use this product mostly as a pre-poo and it works so well. I haven't found anything else that serves it's purpose more.
How to Use this as a Pre-Poo:
- Apply to hair in generous amounts. You'll begin to see your hair shrink up
- The slip that the product contains will soften the hair which makes it easy to get rid of knots
- Slowly finger detangle each part of your hair
- Once finger detangled, if you need more assistance, use a wide toothed comb
- Leave on for about 5-10 minutes then continue with normal washing duties
If you have a few knots and tangles that are stubborn, apply more product to that area.
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