Natural Hair: Mini Twists at Week Two

Hey Curlies,

It's been a little less than three weeks and it's almost time for my mini twists to come out. My hair is in very much need of a washing, so I'm looking forward to Monday.

Anyway, it's still week two and I always keep my mini twists in for three weeks.

Over the past couple of weeks, I've moisturized my hair with water then following up with either coconut or argan oil. I hadn't been doing that great of a job keeping my scalp moisturized, which is why I'm starting to get the itchies.

Here are some photos from week two! Missed week one's mini twist photos? You can find them here.

RELATED | How to Moisturize and Stretch Mini Twists

I plan to untwist tomorrow and wear a twistout over the weekend. Of course, photos to come.

Check out my Instagram for more photos.

RELATED | How to: Install Mini Twists

Mini twists at week three - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists at week three - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists at week three - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists on natural hair week two - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists on natural hair week two - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists on natural hair week two - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists on natural hair week two - ClassyCurlies

Mini twists on natural hair week two - ClassyCurlies