Hey Curlies,
A couple of weeks ago while completing some research for a news story I was working on for my job, I ran across a news article from a local Tennessee outlet on the opening of the state's first natural hair school.
Of course...I was immediately pulled in...
What a cool idea, I thought to myself. But then it opened the door for a whole new conversation we should be having: Why aren't most student cosmetologist taught how to style naturally curly hair?
When I was in high school,we had a cosmetology program, which one of my friends was part of. I never remember her bringing home a curly-haired mannequin, let alone a brown one.
I could come up with tons of reasons why, but this is a serious question. While some students may get their hands on a curly-haired mannequin, it's rare they are given one with coarse, tightly-coiled hair.
If they did learn how to manage this hair type, I'm sure there would be many more natural hair salons and correct tutorials on how its all done.
What are your thoughts? With the current state of the natural hair community and industry, do you think student cosmetologist should be taught how to style Black, natural hair?
Also, if you've attended or completed cosmetology school...please drop some knowledge on us. What was your experience?