Hey Curlies,
The world is really moving and shaking...well in some ways. First we got emojis of color and now we have 27 curly-haired ones with a variety of skin tones and hair types. As apart of Dove's "Love Your Curls" campaign, they have teamed up with Sali A. Tagliamonte, a professor of linguistics at the University of Toronto to launch the keyboard application.
"By using an emoji, a person can choose a picture that is in their own image, reflecting their style, personality, state of mind and even their looks. Just as language is like a badge of identity, so too are emojis," Tagliamonte told The Huffington Post. "If people can use tools of communication that reflect who and what they are, this can have a positive effect on their self-confidence and quality of life."
I think this is really, really cool. Good job Dove! Search for "Dove Love Your Curls" in the App Store and Google Play store.
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