Natural Hair Update & Giveaway

Hey Curlies,

I wanted to update you all on a few things. I got my hair straightened a little over two weeks ago and I just washed my hair about an hour ago. I really liked wearing my straight hair and feeling the weight on my shoulders, but I did miss my curls.

The point of getting my hair straightened was to get a good professional trim and she did a great job. Each time I get my hair straightened, I always say I'm going to experiment with other styles, but I fail every time. Haha. This time I did a little better. Most of the time I wore my hair in a bun or in curls made by using about eight flexi rods.

I couldn't WAIT to wash washair and get to my scalp. My hair seemed to get dirty a lot quicker than normal and my scalp my a little dry. While I didn't use any other product in my hair the entire two weeks, I did use a tiny bit of Argan oil on my scalp. Any more product would've weighed it down.

It took maybe two washes in the shower to get my curls back to normal, but I needed it. Having my ends trimmed definitely helped make the washing process easier and my hair now seems even softer than normal.

I've been using Mill Creek Botanicals Aloe Vera Conditioner and Anu Essentials a Leave in Conditioner. That giveaway I promised begins tomorrow! I will be giving away one bottle of Anu a Essentials Leave in Conditioner.

Check back tomorrow to enter!