Name: Lauren Redditt
Social Media Names: Instagram: Vivalacurly Twitter: Vivalacurlyy
Hair Type: 3b, 3c, and 4a
How long have you been natural?:
I've been natural for 5 going on six years now. I was natural until 11 years old when I got my first relaxer. I transitioned from a texturizer for two years which began during my sophomore year in high school (2009). I big chopped August 2010. Now in college I'm fully natural.
Why did you go natural?:
I went natural because I honestly missed my curly hair. I was natural until the age of 11. As a little girl I always begged my mother to make my hair look like the little girls' hair on the perm boxes; she finally said yes after years of begging. Not even a year after getting my first relaxer I was tired of it and wanted my curls back. At the time there weren't many (if any) natural hair products out on the market. She suggested to me the Just For Me hair texturizer. We both thought that it would make my hair curly again based on the misleading image on the box but we both failed to do our research. I had this for about 2 years and got tired of that as well. In high I finally transitioned and did the big chop the month before my Senior year of high school (August 2010) and I wouldn't change it for the world!
A short regimen you can share:
My regimen changes often. My hair is either getting used to products or I'm trying new things. I usually cowash/wash on Sundays or whenever I feel that my hair is getting dry or tangled so about every 4 or 5 days. I currently cowash with either John Frieda full repair conditioner or Suave Naturals Shea butter conditioner and adding Aussie Moist 3 minute miracle conditioner. I finger detangle in 4 sections and rinse. I apply dollop of Shea Moisture's Curl and Shine Conditioner to each section, leave on for a few minutes and rinse only a little out then style. I usually twist or braid my hair overnight.
What are some of your favorite products?:
My favorite products right now are Shea Moisture's Curl enhancing smoothie, the Jamaican Black Castor Oil Leave-in conditioner (LOVE), Transitioning milk, Miss Jessie's Jelly Soft Curls, coconut oil, and Eco-styler gel.
What are some of your favorite styles?:
My favorite styles are a high bun, braidout, twistout, or blowout (with either wand curls or roller set). I like my hair straight however, I don't straighten it often.
What is your most favorite and least thing about being natural?:
My least favorite thing about being natural is the amount of time it takes my hair to dry or detangling time :( My most favorite things about being natural are how versatile my hair is and having shrinkage.
What is one piece of advice that all women should have(pertaining to confidence)?:
Don't pay attention to negative/ignorant comments people may say about your hair. Be confident in every style you rock and own your hair, it's YOU!
What natural hair bloggers/vloggers inspire you?:
My all time favorite hair blogger is MahoganyCurls on YouTube. I just love her! I've been following her since she big chopped! I also enjoy watching HeyFranHey, NaturalNeiicey and many others all on YouTube.
Do you have any advice on going natural?:
I'd say do what's best for you. Only you know when the timing is right to big chop or transition. Enjoy the journey; embrace all of your setbacks and accomplishments because they also help shape your character. Going natural is a life aspect :)